Integration kollaborativer Editing-Tools in OJS

DFG-Projekt OSCOSS am Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften GESIS.

Im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts „Opening Scholarly Communication in the Social Sciences“ (OSCOSS) wird im Moment am Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften GESIS in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fraunhofer IAIS eine Integration von OJS und einem Tool für kollaboratives Schreiben entwickelt.

"Isolated solutions, such as tools for publishing data on the Web for easy retrieval and visualization, exist in preliminary manifestations in the social sciences, but have not been integrated into tools for writing, reviewing and publishing articles. Tools that assist writers in making their documents' structure explicit for information systems, as well as document browsers that use articles as interactive interfaces to related information on the Web have been successfully deployed in the life sciences. We will transfer these ideas to the social sciences by integrating existing data and publication management services into a web-based collaborative writing environment that publishers can set up to supports all types of end users throughout the publication process: authors, reviewers and readers."

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf den Webseiten von GESIS.

Letze Änderungen vor dem 13. July 2021 vom IPOA-Redaktionsteam.